no secret, life is short. During my quiet time with the LORD this week, I came
across the scripture posted above was reminded of the brevity of life. The
scripture advises us to seek wisdom for this reason. So that we may live our
lives wisely and in doing so avoid the traps of squandering the precious time
that we have been gifted with. In some ways, this verse was like a wakeup call.
For some time now, it seems that I have been living in a fog—living, but not
truly living, or should I say experiencing—experiencing the simple joys of
daily life, the humility of the everyday routines, the pouring in to those who
come behind us, those I have been entrusted with exclusively, teaching and
exposing them to the world but opening their hearts most of all to the love and
joy of our LORD, the small victories that slide by unnoticed and the
gratefulness for the lessons learned in the battles and struggles which unexpectedly
appear. I have gone through the motions but not really paid attention to my
living. A concept I was introduced to in the book, She’s Still There,
written by Chrystal Evans Hurst. It is time to pay attention. That’s right, it
is time to start paying attention to my life. You may ask how do you live and
not pay attention to your life. Well, it’s simple, I get busy. Busy taking care
of others, things, tasks, favors, and assignments, that I forget or should I
say lose sight of actually looking at why I am doing these things. Don’t get me
wrong, I am not saying that we shouldn’t do these things, we should, but we
should also pay attention to why we are doing them. Is it simply because it is
a good thing to do, or it is what is expected of me? Is it because this is the thing God is calling
and leading me to do? Because as it has been said by many people in many ways,
a good thing isn’t always a God thing. Sometimes we are so busy doing good things
that we completely miss what God has placed right in front of us to do or to
be. The verse above reminded me to not
waste the time that God graciously gave me. It also reminded me to stop
disregarding it by not even having the wherewithal to pay attention to it. I
want to use the precious time he has given me wisely, to pursue and grow in
wisdom. I want to live this life a little better every day. The only way that I
will accomplish that is to pay attention to how I am living it every single
day. He created me to live and to live an abundant life. I can do that when I
seek Him, talk to Him, listen to Him, and follow Him. That being said, it is
settled, I have decided that I am going to be more attentive to my life. What
about you?
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