In Gratitude

I am thankful for:

  1. God
  2. love
  3. salvation
  4. grace
  5. mercy
  6. Jesus Christ
  7. my husband
  8. our children
  9. our family
  10. sunshine
  11. coffee
  12. cool breezes
  13. smell of cookies baking
  14. hugs from my girls
  15. writing
  16. books
  17. schools
  18. doctors
  19. medicine
  20. knowledge 
  21. wisdom
  22. faith
  23. teachers
  24. true friends
  25. flowers
  26. our home
  27. our cars
  28. our jobs
  29. God's discipline
  30. clothing 
  31. shoes
  32. laundry
  33. honest conversations
  34. safety during Tropical Storm Hermine
  35. my child arriving home safely for her first visit home from college
  36. her safe arrival back to college after her first visit home
  37. birthday celebrations
  38. time with family
  39. my husband's love
  40. my LORD's faithfulness
  41. strength
  42. lessons learned
  43. freedom
  44. music
  45. my camera
  46. our back porch
  47. favorite snacks
  48. coffee
  49. toys across the floor
  50. quietness of the morning
  51. the gift of this day
  52. impromptu getaways
  53. hand holding
  54. sunrises
  55. sunsets
  56. beautiful sun rises over the ocean
  57. beautiful places
  58. dependable transportation
  59. fever reducers
  60. prayer
  61. iced tea
  62. late night chats
  63. early morning whispers
  64. breakfast in bed surprises
  65. my husband's leadership
  66. neighbors
  67. toothbrushes
  68. toothpaste
  69. pillows
  70. flowers
  71. online bible studies
  72. whispers from the LORD
  73. God's lasting words
  74. Holy Spirit's teachings
  75. Holy Spirit's convictions
  76. God's strength and presence
  77. gut wrenching prayers
  78. autumn days
  79. fresh air
  80. power through the hurricane
  81. fresh water through the hurricane
  82. family on the coast being kept safe during the storm
  83. college girl's visit home last weekend
  84. truth
  85. mercy
  86. Ava's tender heart-leaving a note in my bible this am
  87. Cassarra home on break
  88. safe travels this week
  89. difficulties and not walking alone in them
  90. holding a warm hand during the night
  91. crisp mornings
  92. God's words in my heart
  93. my life
  94. my husband's perseverance @work
  95. commitment
  96. that still quiet voice
  97. the Word of God

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