Thursday, June 15, 2017

Prayer for Marriages

Marriage is a sacred covenant to be held in high esteem by all. That is what your word says, LORD. I thank you for marriage. I come to petition you to protect and help marriages today. Husbands and wives need you LORD God. Please help them to be committed to you, to seek you, to love you, to honor you and glorify you in all ways every day of their lives. Help them to remember to invite you in and make you a part of their daily lives. Help them to guard their hearts and to seek to have minds and attitudes like Christ Jesus. I pray that they will be of one mind and one purpose and unified in the bonds of peace. I pray that their units remain strong and faithful. I pray that marriages will be strong in the LORD and in the strength of your mighty power. I pray that husbands and wives will reflect your unity with the Father in their marriages daily. In your name, Jesus I pray. Amen.

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