Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Not Sure

I am not sure just yet what this post will be about. I wanted to write about the various occurrences from this summer and how we are now moving into Fall and everything that is going on now, but then my mind turned to thoughts of gratitude and how grateful I am for my life's journey and all that it entails. Then I thought of how maybe I should write about my current season of this journey and its changes and how it has affected me and my feelings on that. That of course, triggers me to remember to share some of the quotes that I have found to be inspiring and hope that they will inspire others too.

So I guess I will continue writing and we will see where it takes us.  Faith. Family. Love. Each one is so very important and vital to our lives. Under girding everything is love, without it we are and have absolutely nothing. I know that the popular thing today is that we don't need anyone or anything but ourselves. However, that simply is not true. We all need love and since God is love, we all need God, whether we admit it or not. That is where faith comes in. Trust me, I know that it can be difficult to believe that God exists. I have wrestled with that myself and it is not an easy place to be. I am just thankful that God won the war for my heart and assured me that yes, He does exist and I need not ponder that question again. Though I must admit, that like others, I find myself asking God, why did you allow this or why did that happen? And then allowing myself to be reminded that even though difficulties come and we are staring them in the face, that God is in control even and especially during those times. I am also reminded that from time to time, we require pruning. I imagine that even for the plants, pruning is not without pain; but from that pain, that loss, something more beautiful and greater develops. In order for us to grow sometimes it hurts but what develops from the process is something wonderful. Family. It is a wonderful vessel that provides us with the opportunity for both faith and love to be taught, experienced and lived out. The demands and responsibilities of being part of a family can stretch you to and sometimes past the very limits of all that you thought you were. But there is nothing like the love of a family. It gives and provides so much whether we realize it or not. It is there in joyous moments, like the arrival of new members and there with you in the trenches of the darkest days, even when you try to push them away and handle it all on your own. Family can truly be the hands and feet of Jesus, who exhibited and demonstrated unconditional love in all he did, said, and thought. So as I end my rambling session I will say this:
Thank you family for being a part of my journey and helping me in the areas of faith and love! I love you!

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