Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thought for Today

A Lesson from Paige

Last Sunday, my daughter Paige reminded me of a valuable lesson. It was to not give up! I will reluctantly admit that I struggle with fear almost constantly it seems sometimes. As a result I will often not do things and in essence become paralyzed by the fear. However, on Sunday I was reminded of something I learned awhile ago, but never truly put into practice and that is even when you are afraid, do it anyway. On Sunday, Paige had a solo, one she had been looking forward to for quite a while. She was excited that she was going to have the opportunity to sing her favorite song by Erica Campbell, "More Than a Lover". She began singing strong and confidently, but after a few moments, she became nervous and scared and began to cry. I totally understood how she felt. It is not easy at all to stand before an audience to speak or sing, so I felt her nervousness and fear in my own gut. But even though she was crying, she continued to sing. She did not stop, she did not turn around and leave, she kept going until she finished her song. She never gave up, even though she could have and everyone would have understood but Paige made a decision to finish what she began even when it was not ideal, even when she was afraid. Though Paige may not fully realize this, and who knows, perhaps she does, she made a decision, a choice to not let fear stop her no matter how hard it may be or seem. She chose to keep going and not give up! And that's what I am to do also, no matter how afraid I may be.  Thanks Paige! You were very brave and I am so very proud of you!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Been awhile...

Wow! I did not realize that I had not posted in a month. Life happens and goes at such a rapid pace sometimes that you don't fully realize just how much time has gone by or what things you are missing out on in the "great rush of everyday life". As I sit here jotting down a few thoughts I'm thinking about some of those very things. I look out my window and see that the trees which line a nearby street are now a vibrant red. I could have sworn that just yesterday, only the tops were red and the rest was still green. When I look a little closer, I notice that my curious little toddler has become a thoughtful and smart preschooler who seems to become more independent in what she can do on her own daily. It doesn't seem that it should be that she is learning to write, to build, to explore, and question. But it is, and I need to be fully engaged in each moment of it. I capture a lot of it in pictures. My older girls ask often, "Mom, why are you always taking our pictures?" I respond, " So that I can look back and remember these times. You may not appreciate it now or even care, but one day you will want to look back and remember too. And when you do, they will be here." They usually give me this look of disbelief and keep going to whatever is next up on the plate, but every once in a while I see one or two of them grabbing an old album or photobook from the shelf, browsing and smiling. And I smile too.

More than a quote...